Tuesday, 13 October 2015

There was a time in my house when nobody apart from my dad and brother could start the generator.
It wasn't funny.
Cos my mum would want the generator on sometimes during the day and none of them would be around.
She would have to start calling my brother to come home and help put it on.
It kept going on like this for a while until I decided to learn how to put it on.
I found out that it wasn't as difficult as my brother made it look.
It made things a whole lot easier for us.
My mom especially.
Then I remember, being in my hostel one day and receiving a call from my mum.
She wanted me to teach my kid sister how to put on the generator over the phone.
My dad had travelled and my brother was far away from home.
So they were stranded.
I laughed so much that day ,my sides hurt.
But I learnt something worth sharing
In life,
You determine your Value and Importance.
The more you Seek Knowledge
The more you Acquire Knowledge.
And the more Knowledge you Acquire,
The more Valuable you become.
Where ever you find yourself,
Make yourself Valuable and Indispensable.
Let people think of you first when they need Solutions and are looking for Answers.
And most importantly,
Never believe that it's too Difficult.
I would never have known that Starting a Generator was so easy if I had kept on believing my brother.
Just give it a Try.
I know I Did
And I keep Trying.
Continue to smile.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...wonderful piece.To know you can start a But it's really true what you've said. The Great book even says it....A man skilled in his work shall serve before kings
